OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness of Laser Therapy in the treatment of osteoarthritis
CONCLUSIONS: For OA, the results are conflicting in different studies and may depend on the method of application and other features of the LASER THERAPY application. Clinicians and researchers should consistently report the characteristics of the LASER THERAPY device and the application techniques used. New trials on LASER THERAPY should make use of standardized, validated outcomes. Despite some positive findings, this meta-analysis lacked data on how LASER THERAPY effectiveness is affected by four important factors: wavelength, treatment duration of LASER THERAPY, dosage and site of application over nerves instead of joints. There is clearly a need to investigate the effects of these factors on LASER THERAPY effectiveness for OA in randomized controlled clinical trials. (NOTE: This study, along with so many others, illustrates the need for researchers to use appropriate power (dose) levels according to tissue variability factors - Paul S.)