Further consideration of established values in biological (patient) factors needs to be considered for satisfactory results in photomedicine; we call these values Primary Tissue Variability Factors or (PTVF) We list these values here.
PTVF - Primary Tissue Variability Factors™
The following Primary Tissue Variability Factors™ have been established for setting and adjusting optimal laser therapy treatment dosages.
1. Tissue Type: blood, fat, nerve, muscle, skin, tendon, cartilage, bone
2. Tissue Structure: Simple, stratified, pseudostratified, transitional
3. Tissue Density: adiposity index or BMI (Body Mass Index)
4. Tissue Permeability (ability of wave energy to pass through, or be absorbed by tissue structures)
5. Tissue Proximity: (depth of tissue (shallow vs. deep)
6. Tissue Pigmentation: six levels, from white to black (Fitzpatrick Scale)
7. Tissue Hydration: hydrated or dehydrated (typical = Min. 54.8% to Max. 78.1%)
8. Tissue Stress: bio-behavioral factors that can induce cell damage (cortisol levels, etc.)
9. Tissue Age: from atrophic to neoplastic
10. Tissue Function/malfunction: Equilibrium, Entropy, & Homeostasis
Why is it important to consider Primary Tissue Variability Factors when applying laser therapy?
Laser therapy dose effectiveness is dependent on a variety of patient tissue factors, all other variables being equal - i.e. wavelength(s), output power, etc.; for example, degenerative disc disease usually requires a large volume of high-output energy for effective tissue interactions, while oral cavity sores require only a small volume of low-output energy to successfully treat; effective treatment application for most other conditions lie somewhere in between. The reason for this is oral cavity sores exist in shallow, pigmented, moist, warm tissues with a plentiful blood supply, while injured discs are non-pigmented and protected by layers of densely complicated structural tissues and do not have an independent blood supply.
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